one day, at one place, through various occasions,
we would meet definitely.. warm regards..

wishing to be a brand of an enjoyable guest all around the world; at your home, workplace, school, hospital, sports, journeys, weddings, invitations and organizations, always in your mind and under your hand..

histanbul osmanlı saatleri
histanbul sherbet bottles

the sherbets (traditional turkish beverages) we offer under “histanbul” brand are traditional tastes for centuries from the palaces of the seljuks and the ottomans.  based on the authentic taste, inspired by the historical beverage culture, our drinks are produced with today’s taste.

they are genuine and healthy drinks formulated by carefully selected natural fruits, plant, and seeds to meet with the high expectations of clients regarding taste and quality.

in our products, no chemical substances risking human health such as glucose, corn syrup, aspartame, caffeine, chemical preservatives, chlorophyll, flavors are used.

they are pasteurized with modern equipments and packed in glass bottles to keep the freshness of the ingredients.

crushed snacks with dried nuts and fruits mix..

no added sugar, energetic flavours;

you will like a lot while drinking tea, coffee, or having your dessert, before or after sports, on a diet, during your snacks, as a delicious and healthy offer for your guests to your house or office..

histanbul crushed snacks with dried nuts and fruits” are offered in 25 gr. packs and contains no chemical additives, preservatives, sweeteners, glucose, etc.  in a box, there are 63 packs from a mixture of 8 varieties.

calorific facts of our products;

persimmon-cinnamon-hazelnut-muscat-ginger (calorie: 40,34)
apricot-almond (calorie: 68,70)
fig-walnut (calorie: 71,48)
day-dried apricot-hazelnut-cacao (calorie: 80,96)
day-dried apricot-hazelnut (calorie: 81,10)
date-cashew-coconut-cacao (calorie: 81,97)
date-cashew-coconut (calorie: 84,12)
apple-hazelnut-cinnamon-grape (calorie: 84,15)

histanbul osmanlı saatleri

prepared as a souvenir by revivifying a very special and forgotten tradition from our culture.

including the virtuous sayings of our ancestors expressing the value of time to assess it best;

“from past to present ottoman wisdom (hikmet) clocks”


two alternatives available; wall clock (dial diameter 35 cm.) and magnet fridge clock (dial diameter 10 cm.)